Deepest lakes & reservoirs in Northwest Washington & Islands, WA by maximum depth (ft)

The estimated greatest depth of the water in a lake can be measured at the lake’s normal elevation. If the water volume and surface area of a lake are known, an estimate of the lake’s average depth can be calculated:

Water volume ÷ Surface Area = Average Depth

Example: 1,000,000 acre-feet ÷ 20,000 acres = 50 feet average depth.

You can find many of the the world’s deepest lakes on LakeLubbers. If you sort the list, you will find the (maximum depth of) the shallowest lakes in our database. Note: For some lakes, lake depth data is unknown, so this table may display fewer lakes than the total 2 articles we have published for Northwest Washington & Islands, WA lakes.

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Search results: Sort lakes by max depth (feet)

Below are lakes within USA > US West Region > Washington > Northwest Washington & Islands, WA > Compared by maximum depth in feet. This list does not represent all lakes in Northwest Washington & Islands, WA, only the 2 Northwest Washington & Islands, WA lake articles we have published on the LakeLubbers website.